Market Update (2 juni 2015)

Leegstaande kantoren worden steeds vaker omgebouwd, de Rabobank verlaagt opnieuw de hypotheekrente en ING schrapt honderden banen. Verder in het nieuws: Robert Shiller en Blackrock maken zich zorgen over de hoge waardering van aandelen, Griekenland investeert $2 miljard in de nieuwe ‘Turkish Stream’ gasleiding en Tsjechië voert discussie over toetreding tot de euro.

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Market Update (2 juni 2015)

Nederlandse media

  • Opvallend: Rabo verlaagt hypotheekrente (RTL Nieuws)
  • ING schrapt honderden banen op hoofdkantoor (DFT)
  • Leegstaande kantoren steeds vaker omgebouwd (DFT)


  • Robert Shiller: Unlike 1929 This Time Everything – Stocks, Bonds And Housing – Is Overvalued (Zero Hedge)
  • ROBERT SHILLER: This would make me worried about a stock market bubble (Business Insider)
  • S&P 500 Could Hit 4,300 Within Nine Years (Barrons)
  • BLACKROCK: The stock market buyback boom is an ‘economic distortion’ created by the Fed (Business Insider)
  • Creditor powers convene emergency Berlin summit as Greek endgame approaches (Telegraph)
  • Argentina Is Racking Up Debt Even Faster Than During Its 2001-2002 Crisis (Bloomberg)
  • VELOCITY of Money Below Great Depression Levels (Armstrong Economics)


  • Gazprom Neft sells oil to China in renminbi rather than dollars (Financial Times)
  • “The Matterhorn Interview – May 2015: Pippa Malmgren” “You don’t fix deflation by introducing inflation” (Goldswitzerland)
  • Australia Holds Rates At Record Low, Omits Easing Bias (Wall Street Journal)
  • Czech Leaders Clash Over Euro Path as Zeman Urges Fast Entry (Bloomberg)
  • Can China’s renminbi become a new international reserve currency? (World Economic Forum)


  • China: Silk Roads and Open Seas (Vineyardsaker)
  • Greece to invest $2 bn in Turkish Stream, will sign memorandum asap – Energy Minister (Russia Today)
  • Russian Gazprom not considering pipeline gas supplies to Japan — CEO (Itar-Tass)
  • Gazprom Says China Starting Work on ‘Power of Siberia’ Pipeline (Moscow Times)


  • “The Hegemony Games”: the United States of America (USA) vs. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) (Global Research)


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